Thursday, March 19, 2020

3 Reasons to buy best moisture tester online | Koster Moisture Tester Inc

Moisture content can be a major concern. Moisture content of grain affects it sale weight, quality, and the ability to be stored long-term. Since moisture content is so significant to grain, those who grow and sell grains firmly monitor as well as control the moisture of their grains with the help of grain moisture tester.

There are a few great reasons to use the best moisture tester online, let’s go through them.

Moisture Tester

To improve efficiency

With the help of moisture meter, a farmer can know for certain if their grain is dry enough for use or not in a couple of minutes. Our new and impact grain moisture tester has high technology, which allows farmers to share their results through their phones to compare lots or else even day-by-day results.

Accurate and reliable moisture reading

Another major benefit of using a moisture meter is that it offers a much more reliable measurement of the percentage of moisture content of grain than a simple bite on the grain can. Grain that is dry on the facade can still be holding moisture profound within itself. Using a high-quality moisture tester offers the aptitude to find moisture pockets that are hidden from the human eye.

For quality control

One of the biggest reasons why experienced farmers use moisture meters are to make sure that their products confirm to their own high standards of quality. Without a moisture meter, there is no dependable way to be certain that the grain they planted is prepared to harvest or even has the qualities they want to have highest profit. Using a good moisture tester allows famers to have control of the production and the quality of the grains they are planting.

If you are in search of the best manufacturer for grain moisture tester, then there is no better place than Koster Moisture Tester Inc.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

3 Benefits to buy most accurate moisture tester

A Moisture tester is designed to precisely indicate the percentage of water in wood or else any other farming product. A measurement anything above twenty-five percent moisture is considered as wet element.

Moisture meters have been used by professionals in the farming, woodworking, and flooring industries, to ensure the moisture content of the materials they work with.  

Initially these handy devices relied on analog displays that use a needle over a marked dial to display a percentage Moisture Content reading. These meters provided a quick pass or fail analysis of building materials, and we are standard for numerous professionals. If you are searching to buy most accurate moisturetester, then there is no better place than Koster Moisture Tester Inc.

Easily read and precise percentage MC measurement

With our moisture tester for sale you can easily determine the percentage of moisture content reading of the material you are testing to however many decimal points that meter will display. Our moisture tester also shows the information other than moisture content percentage of the material you are testing, such as time, material being tested, or location where to take the next measurement. This extra information is useful for documentation purposes.


In our digital display there are no moving parts in the meter itself. This eliminates mechanical complexity and the chances of an impact jarring a delicate part loose. Our digital moisture meters are better able to cope with rough work conditions than analog meters.


Our moisture meters are more functional, versatile and durable than their analog counterparts, which is why they are the new industry standards. However numerous professionals still prefer analog displays for their simplicity, which is why we supply both the type of moisture meters.

If you have been searching for the best type of moisture meter, then considering buying from Koster Moisture Tester Inc.